April 4, 2024

How to avoid burnout- as a Business Owner

Do you find yourself tired all the time? Are you taking rest breaks in between meetings/calls? Do you have a good life balance?

Why is Burnout caused?

Burnout is caused if you do not have a good work life balance. You might think sometimes you are a robot, and if you are feeling a little under the weather that might pass. However, we all need to listen to our bodies more on how we are feeling, I know several people who have become stressed, and ill due to ignoring the signs of burnout. Taking regular breaks between meetings, light stretches and a little walk around every 30 minutes will help dramatically to avoid problems with neck/back/shoulder pain in the long run.

Delegate Tasks

Delegating tasks to other team members or alleviating the stress of your admin to a virtual assistant can dramatically decrease your risk of burnout. If your assistant is any good they would be able to take 80 to 90% of your workload and manage it themselves. Regular update calls with your assistant will also help you delegate tasks that have cropped up that week so they can get on with them without hassle.

Do what’s best for YOU

Prioritising your mental health with self-care is a must! Personally, I give my clients a short time in the morning to get prepared for the day and block that out of their diaries. Some of them start at a particular time and finish at a particular time which is great for work life balance. Others have back-to-back meetings but finish earlier in the day. Whatever works for you or asking for advice from your assistant on how best they can help. This balance for you is a great way to start the relationship with them. In my experience, having rest breaks/prep time between meetings and calls, alleviates stress and panic as it will mean 99% of the time you are not late for a meeting or call and you will be able to start without any stress/anxiety and be fully prepared.

Taking a lunch break (even for 30 minutes) away from your desk is a great way to start looking after your mental health. Perhaps finishing at a set time every other day is also a good start if you find you can’t commit to that every day. Baby steps here are the way forward so you are not overloading yourself with change too much.

Here at Every Cloud Virtual Assistant Services we can alleviate that stress and manage your business/personal life accordingly.

Are you in need of a virtual business assistant to help finish your To-do list? Look no further than Every Cloud Virtual Business Services. We have got your admin covered, as well as range of other services, which you can explore here. Get in touch to make your next business trip a stress free experience!

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