July 10, 2023

6 top tips for getting the most from your VA

1. Trust them to do the job!

Trust is earned and built up over time. I know from past experiences working in the corporate world that it takes a while to settle into having an assistant and to offload the tasks that you may be used to doing yourself, to then trust someone to take it over for you. Set clear objectives, deadlines, and priorities from the get-go. Do not micro-manage, as this sets you both up for failure. Don’t force the trust process, work on it slowly and it will have great benefits for you and your business.

2. Decide on the best way to communicate with your VA.

Communication is key! Figure out what works best for you. Email, Slack, WhatsApp or organise a daily/weekly call – Communication is the best way forward, especially if diaries are involved!

3. Value your VA and pay on time.

A rule I always follow, treat people as you wish to be treated. I pay my associate on time as I respect them. Not paying on time because you are not organised, you forget or have other things to do shows a lack of respect and you could end up with them on the back foot. Getting the best out of them is also earnt by trust and respect and will make them want to enjoy working for you.

4. Give a handover or have a support network for your VA.

If you have hired a VA, make them feel comfortable settling into their new role. Whether it’s supporting them with IT, introducing them to fellow colleagues, or maybe even a short handover document which they can read will make them feel involved and not alone. Setting up video calls with team members also is a great way to make them feel part of the team (however small) and in turn, they will value you more for looking after them.

5. Delegate!

A lot of people find this very hard. Trust me, it comes with time and patience and having the right VA supporting you. Why are you hiring someone, and investing money in them if you struggle to delegate and end up doing the work yourself? If you find it tricky, start small and gradually build up to offload more tasks. This gets easier with time and trust and relates to all the points above, on getting the best person for your business!

6. Invest in your VA.

Set aside small chunks of time to communicate with your VA. The more time you can give at the start will enable you to invest in your time better as well. Perhaps 30 minutes each morning or evening to start might work. Keep the calls in the diary no matter what happens (obviously unless it’s an emergency) as these set boundaries and everyone knows that no matter what happens those calls are invested in. They are also great for catch-ups on the day/week ahead and what you might need your VA to do for you.

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