February 8, 2024

5 Sure Ways to get Your To-do list Finished

Do you face challenges with Finishing your To-do list?

Everyone I speak to has the same challenges, “ I have a never ending to do list” “I am adding to this list and never mark anything off it”. 

A few Tips below might help you

1- Tools for everyday life

In previous blog posts I have mentioned the use of digital tools to help you in your everyday life. I would highly recommend Asana or Trello, or if you don’t fancy getting to grips with a new tool, use the old fashioned paper and pen. What is your most challenging task? Write it at the top of your list, and set yourself reminders on when you need this task completed (you can set these up on your GMail or Outlook).

2 – Prioritise Importance

Prioritising your tasks will allow you to seamlessly work through your diary in a controlled and organised manner. Put your tasks in order of importance. Do they need to be done in the next hour, day, week or month. Delegate tasks if you need to. If you struggle to let go and handover tasks, perhaps relieve your anxiety by setting a reminder to ‘check in’ with the person undertaking that task for you so you can keep a tab on what is being done.

3 – Set your Boundaries

Blocking your time ahead is a great way to set boundaries. Block out personal appointments, holidays, focus time to actually do work (rather than being on calls or sitting in meetings). Do not allow other meetings or calls to ‘creep in’ on this time and use blocker (do not disturb) slots for this time. Be strict with yourself on not blocking over these slots.

4 – Write it Down

Don’t overload yourself with tasks all at once. I get everything down on paper first, and then break things down into smaller, more manageable chunks which leaves you less overwhelmed. You can always move less important tasks out by a week or so if needed, but it enables you to see the urgent things and attend to them first. Start small, set 1 or 2 things that you are going to change in your diary a week (for example adding in focus time every other day for 1 hour in the morning) and add in a couple of breaks a day, see how that works for you.

5 – Set Realistic Goals

In order to be able to function properly, it’s important to set yourself realistic goals to be able to be more productive in your work and personal life. If you overload yourself you will not be the best version of you!

Take action! Take baby steps to incorporate just a couple of things listed above, and see if they work for you, if they don’t then tweak it. At Every Cloud we can help you with your goals and make your working patterns much more effective and productive. We love organising, it’s what we do best!

Are you in need of a virtual business assistant to help finish your To-do list? Look no further than Every Cloud Virtual Business Services. We have got your admin covered, as well as range of other services, which you can explore hereGet in touch to make your next business trip a stress free experience!

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